GED Practice Test For Getting Ready

For adults who couldn’t finish their high school education, the GED® test is a great pathway to a college education, a better job, job promotion, and a better life in general.

The GED (General Education Development) exam is fully computerized and made up of four independent subtests (modules) in Mathematical Reasoning (Math), Reasoning through Language Arts (English Language), Social Studies, and Science.

The subtests may be taken individually, and test scores count indefinitely in all states as long as this version of the GED exam is available.

Sample GED Practice Test


1. 27 is what percent of 45?

Question 1 of 20

2. Mark’s scores on his first three exams are 79, 84, and 71. What must Mark score on his next exam to average 74 for all four exams?

Question 2 of 20

3. Solve the given equation for x.

−14x + 12 = −2

Question 3 of 20

4. Evaluate the expression at the given value of x.

−6x − 6 at x = 3

Question 4 of 20

5. Eight more than two times an unknown number is 0. Find the unknown number.

Question 5 of 20

6. 60% of what number is 90?

Question 6 of 20

7. Combine like terms by first rearranging the terms, then using the distributive property to factor out the common variable part, and then simplifying.

9n + 10 + 7 + 15n

Question 7 of 20

8. Evaluate the expression at the given values of x and y.

|x − y| at x = 4 and y = 4

Question 8 of 20

9. Jesse grew 1.5 cm this year while Shaniqua grew 2.5 cm. This is an example of

Question 9 of 20


10. Read about the artist. Then answer the question below.

Vincent Van Gogh was born in 1853. He is a very famous artist now. But during his lifetime, hardly anyone knew about him or his work. Today his paintings are among the most expensive artworks in the world. But Vincent only sold one painting while he was alive. Vincent was born in Holland, where the weather is usually dark and rainy. When he grew up, he moved to the south of France, where the sun shines more brightly and the colors are more vivid. Vincent loved bright colors, and he used them boldly in all of his paintings. He used a lot of paint and applied it in very thick strokes so that his paintings actually have texture. Vincent painted a lot of pictures of flowers in vases, and a lot of landscapes. He also painted still lifes, buildings, and people. Two of his most famous paintings are called Starry Night, and Sunflowers. Most artists sign their names on their paintings when they have finished it. But in 1888, Vincent painted four pictures of sunflowers. He only signed two of the paintings. Art experts believe that this is because he wasn’t happy with the other two. Today you can see his paintings in museums all around the world.

Why do art experts think Vincent didn’t sign some of his paintings?

Question 10 of 20

11. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.


It is the guidance counselor's job to _________ students.

Question 11 of 20

12. Decide whether to use who's or whose in the following sentence.

'__________ left their shoes in the doorway again?' shouted mum.

Question 12 of 20

13. Choose whether to use 'like' or 'as'.


Your room looks _______ a large nuclear device has hit it.

Question 13 of 20

14. Confusable words. Choose the correct word for the following sentences.


Several bricks in the garden wall have come _______ .

Question 14 of 20

15. The _________of the lake helped to relax the overworked and stress worker.

Question 15 of 20

16. Translucent

Question 16 of 20

17. Write the word farther or further in the blank to correctly complete the sentence.

Please don't swim any ______________________ away from the shore.

Question 17 of 20

18. Look at these sentences and put a tick next to the one that uses less/fewer correctly.

Question 18 of 20

19. It is true that the powers of Europe may carry on maritime wars with the Union, but there is always greater facility and less danger in supporting a maritime than a continental war. Maritime warfare only requires one species of effort. A commercial people who consent to furnish its government with the necessary funds are sure to possess a fleet.

And it is far easier to induce a nation to part with its money, almost unconsciously, than to reconcile it to sacrifices of men and personal efforts. Moreover, defeat by sea rarely compromises the existence or independence of the people which endures it. As for continental wars, it is evident that the nations of Europe cannot be formidable in this way to the American Union.

It would be very difficult to transport and maintain in America more than 25,000 soldiers; an army which may be considered to represent a nation of about 2,000,000 men. The most populous nation of Europe contending in this way against the Union is in the position of a nation of 2,000,000 of inhabitants at war with one of 12,000,000.

Add to this, that America has all its resources within reach, whilst the European is at 4,000 miles distance from his; and that the immensity of the American continent would of itself present an insurmountable obstacle to its conquest.

Briefly summarize the main idea of the text.

Question 19 of 20

20. There or Their or They're?


_______ books were left in the classroom.

Question 20 of 20


If you would like to continue practicing for your GED Test. We recommend these resources:

46 Free GED Tests on

Across the four subtests, you can find a number of question formats such as multiple-choice, short-answer, drop-down, fill-in-the-blank, hot spot, and GED test-takers need to write an essay (extended response).

Their FREE  practice tests for the GED exam will help you prepare for the real test.

After practicing for the GED exam, you will feel more prepared and confident.

What’s on the GED Test-Math

The Mathematical Reasoning‎ Practice Tests include GED sample questions from 6 significant categories: Number Sense, Geometry, Statistics, Pre Algebra, Algebra, GED Practice testand Graphing.

Twenty-five math practice tests are ranging from 10 to 30 questions. We start with easy practice questions, and then the difficulty of the questions increases gradually.

During the GED Math test, you are allowed to use an on-screen scientific calculator; you should also use this kind of calculator during practice tests.

TIP: you can use the scientific calculator on your iPhone or Android smartphone. To access the scientific calculator on your smartphone, all you have to do is open the Calculator app. Next, turn your phone to landscape mode.

My Career Tools’ GED practice exams are similar to what’s on the GED test.

The following categories appear the most frequently on the Math GED test (we included them in our practice tests).

  • Order fractions and decimals. Order them on a number line.
  • Apply rules of exponents in numerical expressions.
  • Calculate unit rates.
  • Find the area and perimeter of triangles and rectangles.
  • Find the area and circumference of circles.
  • Identify a function in a table or graph.

The GED Mathematical Reasoning Test contains 41 questions + 5 simple questions that you need to solve without a calculator.

GED Test-Social Studies

The Social Studies GED Practice tests include questions from 4 main categories: Civics & Government, U.S. History, Economics, and World History. Social Studies practice tests are divided into smaller tests with 10, 15, and 25 questions. There are also 2 GED Social Studies Practice Tests with a timer.

Similar to the real test, the Social Studies practice test includes so-called open-book questions. It means that you are evaluated on understanding rather than recall and memorization. You’ll also need to understand a few relevant historical documents. You’ll find questions about the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and landmark Supreme Court cases.

Additionally, you’ll find at least one practical document on the social studies test. That means a tax form, voter guide, political speech, or some other documents that are important to you, as a citizen.

During the GED Social Studies Test, students are frequently asked to:

  • Analyze information presented visually, for example, in maps, tables, charts, etc.
  • Determine the difference between fact and opinion.
  • Put historical events in chronological order and understand the order of steps in social studies processes (for example, how a bill becomes a law).

The GED Social Studies Test contains 36 questions.

GED Practice Test-Science

The Science GED practice test includes questions from 3 major categories: Life Science, Physics, and Chemistry. Science practice tests are divided into smaller tests with 10, 15, and 25 questions. There are also 2 GED Science practice tests with a timer. The questions on the GED Science subtest are open-book questions. Most things that students need for answering the Science questions are provided in the given resources.

Students can solve some 90 percent of the questions found in the Science section by using only the data and information provided in the charts, graphs, and passages.

During the GED Science test, students are frequently asked to

  • Analyze visual and numerical scientific presentations (for example, tables, diagrams, etc.).
  • Analyze written scientific presentations.
  • Identify and refine hypotheses for scientific investigations.
  • Identify and explain why the evidence supports the proposed claim or solution.
  • Define relationships among graphs or diagrams.

Your success on the GED Science test is determined in large part by the answer to a single question: can you, as a student, read a chart or table? Use My Career Tools’ Science practice tests to improve these skills. The GED Science test contains 35 questions.

GED Practice Test- Language Arts

The Reasoning Through Language Arts‎ test includes questions from 3 major categories: Reading Comprehension, Grammar, and Writing. Language Arts practice tests are divided into smaller tests with 10, 15, and 25 questions. Because during the GED Language Arts test you will be asked to write an essay, we also included questions related to essay writing.

There are also 2 Language Arts practice tests with a timer. Reading comprehension (reading for meaning) is vital in this test. You’ll get the most mileage out of learning if you read the passages more effectively.

In the GED Language Arts section, students generally must be able to:

  • Bring order in event sequences in texts.
  • Distinguish between connotative and denotative meanings of words.
  • Identify transitional phrases and/or words within texts.
  • Determine subject-verb disagreements.
  • Determine correct punctuation issues.

Also, make sure that you answer all of the questions. Students have never scored a single point on the GED test for reading a passage. You have to, of course, answer the question. The GED Reasoning through Language Arts test contains 40 questions + an essay.

Why Should You Take GED Practice Tests?

GED practice tests are additionally good for self-evaluation. Self-evaluation may be important because what we THINK we do may not be exactly the same as what we REALLY do. For this reason, we all may benefit from regular self-evaluation. Professionals who need to perform under a lot of stress, such as politicians, fighter pilots, and top athletes, often perform self-evaluation on a regular basis. Frequently, they will review videos that show their own performances in order to identify how and where they should improve.

Here are a few questions that you may ask yourself:

– What is the real effort you put into the test, and in what time did you take the test?
– On what parts did you perform well, and where could you have done better?
– What should you undertake to improve your score?
– What did taking this test teach you most?

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a GED practice test?

Our GED practice tests are free, but the official GED Ready® practice tests cost $6 each and are available at the website

What’s on the 2024 GED test?

The 2024 GED test requires that you pass the four subject tests in math, social studies, science, and language arts. In several states, you also need to pass a Civics test.

Can I take my GED test online for free?

First of all, you can take the GED test at an official GED testing center or online, and this also applies to the HiSET alternative. The price of the GED test is, in most states, around $36 per subject test or $144 in total. You need to pass four subject tests that may be taken one at a time. There are four states that subsidize high school equivalency testing completely; some do so partially, and in some states, the fee is higher.