GED Online-Get Your GED Diploma Without Stress

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GED Online refers to preparing for the GED test using GED online classes and practice tests. You don’t need to go back to school to get ready for the GED test.

GED stands for General Education Development. 

Until recently, it was not possible to take the GED® test over the Internet. You had to show up in person at an accredited GED testing center. This has changed now, however, with the introduction of online GED classes and proctored (OP) GED exams.

Just use online GED resources to prepare for the GED test. To participate in GED online classes, all you need is a computer and access to the internet.GED Prep with video lessons

GED Online video classes allow you to prepare for the GED test fast and easily. These online classes provide learning materials that you must know to pass the GED test. You can get ready for your GED test with these free online GED classes, comprehensive study guides, tips, and practice tests quite fast.

We tested many online preparation websites, and in our opinion, the Onsego website provides the most comprehensive online GED classes.

They teach you everything you need to know for the GED exam. These online classes include a video, text, and a mini-practice test.

Another recommendation is Khan Academy. Keep in mind that when using Khan Academy, you need to know what to learn. There is no study guide for the GED test. However, if you know the GED curriculum (or find it on the Onsego website), you will find a lot of lessons and examples. For example, if you are studying social studies, choose the U.S. History course.

How can I study for a GED online?

You should begin your GED test preparation by identifying your weakest areas. If you don’t know about weak and strong points, think about taking GED practice tests to help you focus your learning efforts.

  • Choose that subject first that you feel is easier for you
  • The majority of students pick Literacy first, followed by Social Studies, Science, and then Math
  • Consider buying a well-developed GED course such as Onsego
  • It’s best to watch 2 to 3 videos at a time
  • Followed by 2 to 3 mini-quizzes

Preparation is essential for every test, but now with the computerized GED test, the bar has been raised, and proper training is more critical than ever before.

How do I get started with GED prep?Online GED programs

To get started with your GED prep, follow these steps. They provide a blueprint for preparing for the GED test fast.

  • Begin by taking a positive attitude and be proud of the things you know.
  • Be aware of what you need to learn. Make sure you are learning the “right” stuff.
  • Create a workable study routine and stick to that! Learning tiny bits every day works better than learning a lot at once.
  • You should have a convenient study place that’s well-lit, quiet, cool, comfortable, and undisturbed.
  • Choose a study time when you’re most alert. Studies have shown that most people are most productive in the mornings and early evenings.
  • Learn as a sprinter runs. Choose a subject to learn in an uninterrupted session of some 20 to 30 minutes and then have a break.
  • You can take as many breaks as you wish, but your breaks shouldn’t be longer than some 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Review what you’ve learned daily. And when a week is over, conduct a review of what you’ve learned that week.

Again, keep in mind that preparation is essential, and with a good GED video program, you can get ready for the exam without stress.

Can I get my GED online at home?

We often get the question if the GED test is offered online because the GED exam is entirely computer-formatted. Well, the fact of the matter is that GED testing was, until recently, no option. The introduction of the OP (online proctored) GED test has changed all of that in most states.

What is the GED passing score?

For all of the four GED subtests counts that the passing score is 145, measured on a 100-200 scale. So to pass the GED exam, you are required to attain at least a score of 145 on all subtests and 580 overall!

  • Below passing score: 100-144
  • High school equivalency passing score: 145-164
  • College-ready passing score: 165-174
  • College-ready + college credit score: 175-200

GED Online Prep Obstacles

GED Online instruction is becoming more and more popular, but the big question is if they really are effective or just a waste of your time.

Well, the answer is both. Online learning requires a high level of self-discipline, a stimulating environment, and real commitment. Not everybody is able to do that. We’ve seen so many students who began learning full of enthusiasm only to drop their study routine after just a few weeks.

Some students are not benefiting at all from online courses and will be better off at a physical school, in a class with other students, under the guidance of a dedicated instructor.

GED Online and the Impostor Syndrome

It’s quite common that adult learners feel somewhat insecure if they’re placed in a role as a student. Many adult students will experience the so-called “impostor syndrome” and doubt their ability to be successful. Then, they’ll feel like everyone else seems to know more than them.

For some adult learners, this “Impostor Syndrom” and the feeling it brings is even made stronger by negative experiences these learners had in the past with our educational system. This sort of experience often resulted in these students having low self-esteem and feeling they were failures.

Now how can we overcome this? Well, just be aware of what you have experienced and what you are experiencing right now, and please ask your family and friends to support you with your studies!

Managing Your Time and GED Online Prep

Generally, adult learners will be engaged in several roles simultaneously. This has an impact on the energy and time they’ll be able to dedicate to their roles as adult learners. Unlike younger learners, for them, attending a class isn’t a full-time task. They have more to do. In general, for adult students, it is merely a secondary activity that they must accomplish besides their regular tasks as spouses, parents, and/or jobs. Consequently, they can’t spend as much time studying as younger students.

How to overcome this problem

  • Prioritize your tasks. Rank all your tasks according to importance or urgency to plan your day and focus your mind.
  • Remember the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto rule. It means that 80 percent of your outcomes come from 20 percent of your inputs. Focus on the most crucial 20 percent of your workload because your performance would still be strong.
  • Set realistic deadlines for your tasks.

Student’s Preconception

In general, adults have experienced and learned lots of things in an informal way through training on the job, learning from friends or co-workers, observation, and trial and error. This is not meaning that they’ve learned it all by the book or even completely correct, but it’s definitely meaning that most adults developed some pretty good preconceptions.

Now if information included in academic or training courses is in conflict with an adult learner’s preconception, the learning process may well be distorted or delayed. This may result in the students dropping their studying routines.

Good teachers in traditional classes will understand how to create a balance between respect for the opinions of the students and the academic concepts.

How to overcome this problem

  • Take your time to think about it
  • Check other resources
  • Try to accept the new way of thinking

What else helps?

  • Sharing the newly learned knowledge with friends or family
  • Keeping a learning journal.
  • Tracking your progress. I use It helps me to keep track of my goals and helps me to realize what I learned by setting goals (written goals)
  • Self-expressing online via blogs
  • Awarding yourself. For every lesson you finish, award yourself. You deserve it.

Conclusion GED Online

GED online prep will be a waste of money if you don’t keep learning. It is only natural that you will meet some obstacles in the form of your own stubborn mind, your low self-esteem as a learner, or just because of a lack of time management.

But remember you can make it, there is no lift to success, you need to take the stairs and fight all the obstacles.