We all know that college is expensive, so finding ways to reduce the time to earn a college degree has become a very popular issue among students looking to complete their academic degrees more efficiently, more affordable, and faster than by signing up for traditional college courses. More and more students are looking for ways to contain costs and accelerate their educational pace.
This sort of fast-track learning is referred to as “PLA, or Prior Learning Assessment”. PLA is referring to students gaining knowledge and skills while on the job, when they participate in employer-sponsored training programs, while they serve in the military, when they study independently, when they do community service or volunteering work, or when study while using open-source courses.
Prior Learning Assessment, or PLA, evaluates a person’s academic competencies for certification, college credit, or advanced placement when they apply to an institution of higher learning.
We help you with this by offering free preparation for the following tests. Some will result in college credit, while others will allow you to skip college-placement tests and/or have to take remedial classes prior to attending credit-bearing college courses:
Earn College Credit for What You Already Know
In the old days, students needed a long time to earn their college degrees, and much depended on how many hours they had to attend class. For students with full-time jobs who wished to further their education, this meant it would take quite a few years longer than for the average student to graduate.
Today, there are so many more options available to demonstrate academic knowledge and standing, and there are many more ways for people looking to earn college credits and degrees! The following options are just a few of the possibilities open to individuals looking to earn their college degrees in the shortest time possible and at an affordable rate:
Transfer College Credits – There are many colleges and universities in America that offer generous credit transfer policies. Some schools place limits on the number of credits you can transfer from other academic institutions, but today, fighting for all of your college credits will pay off! Keep in mind that when you’ve passed a course, you’ve earned the credit!
Credit-by-exam – Many students have already taken college-level classes during their high school year. If they can “test out” their knowledge on a specific subject field, they can earn college credits. Good examples are the CLEP (College Level Examination Program) tests. These tests allow you to earn credit in a specific academic subject field. This is far cheaper than attending a college class for that subject.
So if you can, get all the academic credits you possibly can for the things you have already mastered and learned. This allows you to save a lot of money, not only for tuition, but it might even save you a whole academic year, if not longer. This website helps you find the steps needed to succeed in earning your college degrees quickly, efficiently, and affordable. We will help you to reach your academic goals and to succeed in life! If you have the chance, go back to school and graduate sooner than you thought possible.