Cansego helps prepare for the Canadian CAEC test

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Cansego is an online platform that prepares Canadian students for the new Canadian-made CAEC exam. CAEC stands for Canadian Adult Education Credential.

In May 2024, the Canadian edition of the GED test came to an end. The publisher (U.S.-based GED Testing Service, GTS) said it could no longer update the outdated technology on which the exam was based.

Check the CAEC online classes from Cansego here.

In 2021, Alberta Education started developing a new, technologically advanced Pan-Canadian exam for high school equivalency testing. GTS’s announcement to terminate the Canadian GED exam sped up the process of introducing and implementing the new assessment.

Students who have already attained passing scores on portions of the Canadian GED exam don’t need to worry. Their results will be valid until May 2027, and GED diplomas will, and that goes without saying, keep their validity as well!

The CAEC program gives adults who could not complete high school the chance to secure a secondary educational degree that has the same status as a common high school credential.

Cansego and the CAEC Exam

Cansego has designed a highly acclaimed online preparatory course to help Canadian students prepare quickly for the new CAEC assessment. You can pronounce CAEC like “cake.”

Initially, the program was based on the comprehensive GED prep course from U.S. Onsego GED Prep, an accredited, engaging online course that prepares U.S. students for the computer-based U.S. edition of the GED test.

However, as Canada welcomed the computer-based CAEC exam, Cansego decided it was better to build a new CAEC prep course for Canadian students from the ground up.

The Cansego course includes all relevant topics for the new Canadian high school equivalency exam. For more information about the CAEC test and to learn about online CAEC classes, please visit

The CAEC exam focuses much more on Canadian culture, history, and geography than the old GED test. Specifically, the section Social Studies of the CAEC exam concentrates much more on items and issues regarding Canada, and Cansego perfectly reflects these perspectives.

The CAEC assessment consists of five modular exams. The content of the other four modules is similar to that of the GED exam, except that the new CAEC test is fully computer-based and features many technological innovations.

Cansego’s CAEC Prep Course

Cansego’s CAEC prep course contains many short video lessons that cover one topic of the CAEC exam at a time. This allows students to remember the presented study material so much better than when the content is presented in hour-long, tiring lessons.

Cansego developed a new course specifically for Canada. The CAEC prep addresses each topic of the new assessment, covering Canadian culture, demographics, geography, and economy better and more elaborately than the GED did.

Cansego’s online CAEC prep course stands out from other prep programs because it presents the exam’s extensive curriculum in short video lessons, covering one item at a time. Each lesson is followed by short practice tests to let the students determine whether they understand the topic.

There are also many comprehensive practice tests with sample questions resembling those on the actual exam. So, Cansego provides top-notch CAEC instruction tailored explicitly to Canada.

The new Canadian-made CAEC assessment also includes engaging content focusing on Canadian Indigenous cultures and perspectives, which was not addressed in the former Canadian GED exam.

CAEC – A Modern Exam

The former Canadian GED test was only offered on paper. For many years, Canadian educators and other professionals were concerned that it was outdated and did not reflect Canadian culture, history, and values.

Already in 2021, Alberta Education took the initiative to develop a new high school equivalency test for Canada to replace the Canadian GED exam, and when U.S.-based GED Testing Service mentioned it would stop the Canadian edition of the GED test, it was decided to introduce a new program designed by Alberta Education in cooperation with other jurisdictions.

The new CAEC assessment is technologically advanced and comes with state-of-the-art technological tools and implementations. Most Canadian jurisdictions will implement the new exam during 2024, but British Columbia did not, as it introduced B.C.’s Adult Graduation (Dogwood) Program to replace the GED in 2014.

The following Canadian jurisdictions have already implemented the new Canadian Adult Education Credential Program: New Brunswick, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, and Saskatchewan. Some jurisdictions, however, decided not to use the new exam: British Columbia, Yukon, Nunavut, and Quebec.


To optimally prepare students in Canada for the new CAEC exam and cover the CAEC exam’s content more appropriately, the U.S.-based Onsego brand has developed the new Cansego program from the ground up, specifically for Canadian students.

For many years, Onsego had provided excellent online courses for the Canadian GED exam. Now, with the new CAEC assessment, it was decided to branch out into Cansego CAEC Prep and start a Canadian company to develop and implement it in Canada. You can learn more about Canada’s transition from GED to CAEC here: